
Jun 04, 2020

Acorns Home Activities -Colourful Kinetic Sand

Acorns Home Activities- Sensory Kinetic Sand

Mouldable, colourful sand gives the children a fun, sensory experience and helps to develop their fine motor skills.

You will need:
500g Play Sand
300g Corn Flour
100g Vegetable Oil
A few drops of food colouring
( or any other measurements in the ratio 5:3:1 depending on how much you want to make)

Pour the sand into a mixing bowl.
Add the corn flour and mix thoroughly.
Pour in the oil and food colouring and mix until there are no oily or dry spots.
Repeat with any extra food colours you may have.
Play and mould the sand with hands, scoops, cups and spoons!


Acorns Nurseries are now providers of the Childcare Offer in Wales for eligible working parents of 3-4 year olds. Parents can apply by contacting the local Family Information Service.