Apr 06, 2020

Monday 6th April 2020

All of our nurseries are now temporarily closed.

We thank you for your understanding.

For general enquiries, please contact the Directors Peter Reynolds and Cherie Wilson on peter.reynolds@acornsnurseries.co.uk and cherie.wilson@acornsnurseries.co.uk

If you need to contact us regarding nursery places, please email our Placement Manager: becca.rees@acornsnurseries.co.uk

For finance queries, please contact our Finance Team on chak.chan@acornsnureries.co.uk and rachel.bessant@acornsnurseries.co.uk

To all our Acorns families, stay safe, we look forward to seeing you again very soon.


Acorns Nurseries are now providers of the Childcare Offer in Wales for eligible working parents of 3-4 year olds. Parents can apply by contacting the local Family Information Service.