Mar 21, 2020

Update Saturday 21st March

Dear Parents,
Following on from all previous emails, we have now confirmed all Key Worker places, and have arranged staffing accordingly.

Following further guidance from local authority and in line with schools, all Key Worker children will attend our Acorns House, Nurersy in Park Grove, Cardiff or Henbury Hill House Nursery in Bristol.

We must reiterate that guidance is that if children can be kept safely at home, they should.

We are grateful to all those parents who are vital in the national effort to fight the Coronavirus, protecting all our future lives and well being.

We would like to offer all Key Worker parents the flexibility of changing days, increasing or decreasing days to suit your working demands.

All our amazing staff will be at hand to care for your children, exceeding all ratios and we have prepared a reserve list of staff should any need to isolate in the future.

We would once again, like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your patience, understanding and kind words during this challenging time. We have been overwhelmed with the support from you.

With Kind Regards
Peter and Cherie


Acorns Nurseries are now providers of the Childcare Offer in Wales for eligible working parents of 3-4 year olds. Parents can apply by contacting the local Family Information Service.