Mar 20, 2020

Update Friday 20th March

We are now able to confirm that Welsh Government has announced this evening, the temporary closure of all our nurseries throughout Wales to coincide with the closure of our Bristol Nurseries from tonight.
They have produced a formal statement in relation to a change in advice to minimise social contact.
This means that if children can stay safely in their home, they should, in order to limit the chance of spreading COVID 19. We must restrict access to nursery to children only of critical workers or vulnerable children.
We will be sending out forms by email, which you will need to fill in and send back to us immediately in order for us to confirm whether you are eligible for a critical worker or vulnerable child place.
These will need to be returned no later than 12.30 pm Sat 21st March 2020.
We will also attach a letter confirming our intentions regarding staffing, payments and key worker criteria.
We apologise for the lack of notice, this has simply been out of our control, however, we will be available in Head office tomorrow for any questions that you may have.
We appreciate this is a challenging time for all and we hope the letters will give you some clarity in this evolving situation.
All our staff will be waiting ready to look after all children when normality resumes.
Please keep an eye on social media as we will be updating with regular activities and messages from staff.
Kind Regards
Peter and Cherie


Acorns Nurseries are now providers of the Childcare Offer in Wales for eligible working parents of 3-4 year olds. Parents can apply by contacting the local Family Information Service.