Feb 24, 2017

Handover to LATCH

This week Denise Henderson from LATCH came to Acorns to receive the amazing grand total of £8,121.63 raised by our wonderful staff, parents and children in the run up to Christmas.  Denise is pictured here with with Beti Styles, one of our Whitchurch Acorns children and Natalie Robinson, Beti’s one to one.

Beti was our inspiration for raising money for LATCH after her parents told us how they have supported the whole family after Beti’s diagnosis. The fundraising started with the Santa Stroll on the 3rd December, a sponsored walk around our Cardiff Acorns nurseries, clocking up over 10 miles.  The nurseries then held their own fundraising events, which ranged from raffles, sponsored singing, sponsored obstacle courses and festive evenings for parents. The money has continued to pour in from parents and families since December, and the totals kept rising, until we reached our incredible total.

LATCH is a charity that supports children who are receiving treatment for cancer at the Children’s Hospital for Wales and their families. For more information on what LATCH do, click here What we do


Acorns Nurseries are now providers of the Childcare Offer in Wales for eligible working parents of 3-4 year olds. Parents can apply by contacting the local Family Information Service.