
Nov 16, 2016

Good Morning Britain

Following the investigation on Good Morning Britain into a nursery that resulted in the nursery being closed, Acorns Nurseries would like to reassure parents of the standards and care that we are proud to uphold in all of our nurseries.

The Good Morning Britain team sent an undercover journalist into a nursery as a voluntary staff member.  This person didn’t have her DBS Check in place before she started work at the nursery and was left in charge of a group of pre-school aged children.

In response to this, a report in NurseryWorld from the Early Years Sector can be read here.

At Acorns Nurseries, all staff, students and regular visitors to the nursery hold an enhanced DBS Check.  Staff undergo continual professional development and attend regular statutory and voluntary training courses such as Food Hygiene, Paediatric First Aid, Defibrillator training, Child Protection, Behaviour Management, Language and Literacy, Makaton and Forest School.  The enables them to bring a variety of essential as well as specialised skills to enhance your child’s time at Acorns.

Our inspection reports can be seen at any time online by looking at the CSSIW and Ofsted websites and we have an ‘Open-Door’ policy so that parents can come along at any time to see Acorns nursery life and our high standards in action.


Acorns Nurseries are now providers of the Childcare Offer in Wales for eligible working parents of 3-4 year olds. Parents can apply by contacting the local Family Information Service.