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Aug 03, 2016

Defibrillators now in all Acorns nurseries

Following the campaign by Welsh Hearts  -‘Help us get a Defibrillator into your School’, Acorns Nurseries have invested in a defibrillator for each of its nurseries, including Action-Pak, making it the first nursery in Wales to do so.

It is the mission of Welsh Hearts to help protect and promote the heart health of people here in Wales. Many people still associate heart disease and heart attacks with older people, however this is sadly not the case. Every week in the UK, 12 young people die suddenly from an undiagnosed heart condition as we have all seen in the media of late. Welsh Hearts want public places to have a defibrillator next to every fire extinguisher as the norm.

Having a defibrillator on-site gives each nursery, its children, staff and visitors the best chance of surviving a cardiac arrest.

Defibrillation within 3–5 min of collapse can produce survival rates as high as 50–70%.

Acorns are in the process of training key staff members in the use of defibrillators alongside regular First Aid training.  Above you can see Acorns Managers, Assistant Managers and Head Office staff being put through their paces by Tony Davies from Effective Training.



Acorns Nurseries are now providers of the Childcare Offer in Wales for eligible working parents of 3-4 year olds. Parents can apply by contacting the local Family Information Service.