ASD Sports

Jun 01, 2016

Sports Development

At Acorns, we know how important it is to get our children active and starting their love of physical activity at an early age.  Not only is it beneficial for their physical development (stimulating motor skills and strength) but can also greatly enhance other areas in their development such as gaining confidence, cognition and developing social skills.

We are fortunate at Acorns Nurseries to have regular sports sessions for our preschoolers with Attribute Sports Development (ASD), who provide a developmental program for the Foundation Phase of learning.

The program they provide consists of a wide variety of activities with emphasis on exploration. The children are encourages to explore all activities, gaining an enhanced understanding and confidence within sport.

The program involves the following activities:


Discovering different body schooling shapes and actions. Developing coordination and spatial awareness. Increasing muscular control and tension.

Large Ball skills

Covering all relevant activities developing catching, throwing, bouncing, rolling, spinning and kicking skills.

Small Ball Skills

Using various sized and textured balls exploring “How to skills” throw, catch, bounce, roll, spin.


Using all different body parts in different ways and patterns, expressing thoughts, feelings and emotions to various music genres.


Covering all varieties of athletic events from running to jumping to throwing events

Striking and fielding games

Children explore striking static and moving targets with various pieces of equipment. This interlinks nicely with our small ball skills section.




Acorns Nurseries are now providers of the Childcare Offer in Wales for eligible working parents of 3-4 year olds. Parents can apply by contacting the local Family Information Service.