ONS Award2

Apr 06, 2016

Healthy & Sustainable Pre-School Award

Congratulations to ONS Acorns in Newport who have been award the Welsh Government Healthy and Sustainable Pre-School Scheme National Award.

This was awarded for successfully implementing and embedding the:

  • Physical activity/Active Play aspect and
  • Mental and emotional health, wellbeing and relationship aspect
The Healthy and Sustainable Preschool Scheme is part of the Welsh Government’s Healthy Schools Scheme initiative and is aimed at  preschool childcare provisions, including nurseries, childminders, and family centres.
The aim is to actively promote and protect all aspects of health: physical, emotional, and mental and social, and the wellbeing of the whole nursery community.


Acorns Nurseries are now providers of the Childcare Offer in Wales for eligible working parents of 3-4 year olds. Parents can apply by contacting the local Family Information Service.