Mar 09, 2016

Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is always an exciting day at Acorns nurseries.  The children enjoy baking and making cards and gifts as well as welcoming Mums and Grandparents to their nurseries for afternoon tea and activities.


Acorns House held the ‘Acorns Bake Off’ Event where children decorated cakes with their Mums ready for our exciting competition.  Nursery staff took on the Mary Berry/Paul Hollywood role as judges to decide on winners.

Acorns Bake Off

Henbury Acorns had a Seed Bombing Event for a Mother’s Day Meadow.  Everyone enjoyed afternoon tea before bombing the meadow with seeds.

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Acorns Nurseries are now providers of the Childcare Offer in Wales for eligible working parents of 3-4 year olds. Parents can apply by contacting the local Family Information Service.