IMG_0150 (3)

Feb 24, 2016

First Aid for Acorns Staff

All Acorns staff have regular Paediatric First Aid Training and over the next few weeks at Acorns House, our training providers have been putting our staff through their paces with an intensive 12 hour training course.

The National Minimum Standards for Regulated Child Care set by the Welsh Government in regards to First Aid
At all times, at least one person caring for the children must have a current qualification in first aid for infants and young children.  In calculating the ratio of adults to children, the ratio of trained persons to children should never fall below 1:10.  Such persons caring for the children should be trained in first aid and hold a qualification in first aid for infants and young children.  All first aid qualifications should be kept up to date.

Childcare and Education Minister, Sam Gyimah said:

“As a parent myself, I know that every single mum and dad wants the confidence that those tasked with caring for their child have the right training should the absolute worst happen.”

At Acorns we exceed these standards by ensuring that every staff member, not just the nursery staff, but the maintenance staff, management team, cooks and housekeeping staff are all trained in first aid for infants and young children.



Acorns Nurseries are now providers of the Childcare Offer in Wales for eligible working parents of 3-4 year olds. Parents can apply by contacting the local Family Information Service.