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Feb 10, 2016

Free Flow

In Acorns, we use a child-led approach to learning called ‘Free-Flow’.  This works on the recognition that children learn best when they are able to explore their interests fully and follow their instincts through play.

This includes activities planned by Key Carers and those initiated by the children themselves. We advocate “bring the indoors outdoors” and support children to develop a number of key skills including independence, creativity, problem solving and investigation. Children have the opportunity to extend on learning through exploration and curiosity whilst engaging with peers.

The staff role within free flow play is to support learning through scaffolding, modelling, demonstrating area activities and enhancing provision using the lead given by the children.

Each week the children enjoy choosing from a range of free-flow activities based upon a story book they have read together.

At our Parents Evenings, sometimes parents will be given a chance to participate in free flow along with your child.  Parents can view the resources available and enjoy some of the variety of activities that are on offer every day.

Benefits of Free-Flow:

  • Children develop greater independence – Free flow play empowers children to choose the path of their session through self-selected play.
  • Enables children’s playing and learning to coincide – by giving them access to choose freely and independently the resources and equipment available to them whether indoors or outdoors.
  • Allowing children to progress at their own pace – with free flow play you can cater for all developmental levels and learning styles.
  • Developing decision making skills – Children can choose which activity they would like to do, whether to be inside or outside and when they would like to do it.


Acorns Nurseries are now providers of the Childcare Offer in Wales for eligible working parents of 3-4 year olds. Parents can apply by contacting the local Family Information Service.